Conduct Behaviour Expectations across our federation
● All children start the day on GREEN because this is a fresh new day and all the children need a positive start to the day
● All children are expected to make good choices as a general standard of conduct behaviour – this is why most children will always be on GREEN
● There are no daily rewards for being on GREEN as this is the expected standard of behaviour
● Awarded for extremely good conduct behaviours beyond what we would expect from all children and for children demonstrating good learning behaviour.
● Children in KS1 and LKS2 who are on SILVER at the end of the day receive a SILVER wristband
● Children in UKS2 who are on SILVER at the end of the day receive 2 house points placed in class house jars (Fire, Earth, Water, Air)
● Children in Reception, KS1 and LKS2 who are on GOLD (Gold Star in EYFS) at the end of the day receive a GOLD wristband
● Children in UKS2 who are on GOLD at the end of the day receive 5 house points placed in class house jars (Fire, Earth, Water, Air)