A balance of child-initiated learning through play and adult directed learning is central to our practice because we know that children learn best through actively engaging with the world around them, exploring and participating in challenging experiences and when their levels of wellbeing and involvement are high. We are committed to providing high quality learning environments across the federation to support this.
Long term Planning
Our planning is child centred, driven by individual interests and next steps. Children have significant choice and independence as they play. This supports their developing confidence, independence, collaboration, persistence and self-regulation. Exploration and play-based learning can be chosen entirely by the child or can be guided by the practitioners in a playful way. This learning does not have immediate fixed outcomes, however, practitioners are mindful of the outcomes we want children to reach, and guide children towards them.
We recognise that children also need adult-guided learning and direct teaching to learn key skills and concepts. We have developed our EYFS curriculum, identifying the 'Foundations for Learning' which are woven into our Teaching and Learning and include the things that we want children to know, experience and be able to do during their time in the EYFS. The learning is sequenced into clear progress steps which are used to plan our provision, routines and teaching. Core books are identified for Nursery and Reception and used to develop a love of reading and depth of learning across the year.
We recognise that the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending the children’s development and endeavour to provide a high quality learning environment organised into areas of continuous provision. Outdoor learning is central to our practice across both schools and we provide stimulating resources which are accessible and open-ended, can be used, moved and combined in a variety of ways. All our resources are carefully planned to ensure they support every area of learning and development as well as reflecting children’s natural and predictable interests. Continuous provision plans highlight ongoing learning opportunities throughout the year with reference to:
Enhancements are added throughout the year such as books, pictures, resources, artefacts, visits and visitors. They are often added in response to children’s interests and lines of enquiries as well as to promote an aspect of learning, experience or learning opportunity.
Adults introduce provocations to prompt children’s interests and thinking. These are resources, artefacts, books that support children to think of and find out about something new or to widen their experience and understanding.
Medium Term planning is used to ensure a balance of provision and also respond to children’s interests. Through tracking of progress of individual children and the cohort, areas for development are highlighted and planned for to ensure progression. Opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s learning are also identified to ensure regular opportunities and a variety of ways to be involved throughout the year.
Weekly Planning
Weekly planning outlines the key adult led activities to include all 7 areas of learning over time and in Reception, daily opportunities for phonics, reading and maths. The planning also provides space for teachers to plan and record their responses to children’s own ideas, interests and enquiries.
Continuous Provision Plans